Tiller the Baby Killer

This post has to do with new media accountability and giving a voice and motive to the criminally insane.

On May 31st of last year, an American physician named George Tiller was shot in the head and killed.  George Tiller had become a public figure when political commentator and general psychotic American citizen, Bill O’Reilly, started referring to George Tiller as “the baby killer” on his television show “The O’Reilly Factor”.

It is up for debate if Bill O’Reilly, who had slammed George Tiller for years on his conservative talk show, is to be held accountable for Tiller’s murder.

My Ethical question is where does the LAW draw the line when it comes to media accountability?  Bill O’Reilly never said that we need to kill George Tiller, but he implied that he needs to be “stopped”.  Can the media have some ethical [or legal] accountability when it comes to what their audience does with their biased news?

If that’s the case, could JD Salinger have been responsible for the murder of John Lennon?